Here are answers to our most Frequently Asked Questions regarding Manuka Honey.
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Manuka FAQ
1. What is manuka honey?
Manuka Honey is sourced from the nectar of the Manuka tree/bush (Leptospermum scoparium) native to New Zealand and Australia. Manuka Honey is known for its healing properties. Most types of honeys have components with antibacterial qualities (hydrogen peroxide.) Only Manuka Honey contains the non-peroxide (NPA or UMF) antibacterial component methylglyoxal (MG) that gives Manuka its unique properties.
2. what is the difference between manuka honey and umf manuka honey?
We carry two types of Certified Activity Manuka Honey. Every batch is tested and grated for purity and strength.
- Historically our "active" range of Manuka Honey 5+ - 20+ was graded on its total activity (TA) for antibacterial benefits. Now these are based on MG or Methylglyoxal levels.
- Manuka Honey UMF (Unique Manuka Factor) 5+ - 15+ graded for its non-peroxide activity (NPA or UMF). Manuka honey needs to have a high presence of DHA (dihydroxyacetone), MG (Methylglyoxal), and Leptosperin to be graded a UMF Manuka Honey.
- A full Certificate of Analysis (COA) showing the DHA, MG and UMF levels is available for every jar we carry.
- Pollen tests do not show any activity levels. There is also no relationship to activity and K factors as other Honeys claim.
3. Which manuka honey should i purchase?
It depends on the intended use for the honey. Typically the suggested use is:
Strength | MGO | Grade | Suggested Use |
Low | 30+ | Table | Everyday sweetener |
Mild | 100+ | Table | General wellbeing |
Medium | 200+ | Table and Antibacterial>/td> | General Wellbeing & digestive health |
High | 500+ | Antibacterial | Cosmetics and digestive health |
4. is the honey processed?
None of our honey is heat processed. Instead, it goes through a process called cool processing. This means the honey is warmed and filtered to extract bee particles or bits of honey comb that have fallen in the honey. The honey is 100% raw retaining pollen, royal jelly, and propolis. We only work direct with the bee keepers that take pride in their high quality products and pack to the strict New Zealand Government standards.
5. what are the test results of the manuka honey i purchased?
Every jar has a batch number on the label. If you want to know the test results for the specific batch just send us the batch number. We can provide you with the Certificate of Analysis for your honey.
6. How much manuka honey should i take?
Take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day before meals to treat normal conditions and 1 teaspoon once a day on an empty stomach for maintenance. Best if taken 10-15 minutes before every meal or on an empty stomach.
7. what is the taste, color, and texture of manuka honey
The honey is going to have a distinctive taste, it’s a bit stronger flavor than most honeys. The color tends to be a darker amber color. The texture is a thick texture, since the honey is not processed it is not going to be runny or clear like processed honeys. Please note: since this is a natural product the taste, color, and texture will vary by season and weather conditions for each batch. Manuka is not graded for its color, flavor or consistency, only for the active components.
8. Can i mix the honey with a hot drink
Manuka Honey is heat tolerant, meaning that it retains all its properties when exposed to heat. This enables the honey to reach your digestive system without losing any of its beneficial properties. But it is best to let the hot drink cool just a bit before adding the honey. To achieve the best results, it is best to have on an empty stomach. It is also a great cooking and baking honey. Check out our recipes blog for delicious honey recipes!
9. where is the honey packed?
The honey is bottled, labeled, and tested in New Zealand by local family owned bee keepers and meets all New Zealand government Manuka Honey labeling standards. Each jar states the name and address of the New Zealand bee keepers where our honey is packed along with a batch number. This is to ensure, that you the customer receives the highest possible quality honey.
10. Is the honey Non-Gmo?
New Zealand is a non-GMO country. Unlike the USA, New Zealand does not need to state on products Non-GMO because the government regulates and monitors GMO throughout the country. Read more to find out about Zealand non-GMO regulations.
11. Is the honey organic?
No, in order to be classified as organic the bees flight would need to be monitored and confined to a certain area.
Pacific Sea Salt FAQ
Here are answers to our most Frequently Asked Questions regarding Pacific Sea Salt.
1. Why pacific sea salt?
New Zealand Pacific Sea Salt is harvested from the cleanest oceans left on the face of the earth. These oceans are so clean that that salt can still be harvested naturally after 13 months of drying by the wind and sun. This retains all the natural trace elements that are necessary to maintain a healthy body. Every healthy body must have salt to live. Most so called Sea Salts are produced by pasteurizing the ocean water because they are polluted. This removes the pollutants but also removes all the valuable trace elements leaving just the sodium chloride. Sodium Chloride in this form is not a healthy salt for the body and is very similar to refined white sugar. Other ground mined salts have too many trace elements in large amounts that the body cannot use. The high amount or minerals can cause hardening of the arteries it used as an everyday salt. In the case of pink salts the pink color comes from the high concentrations of iron that are rusting. Ground mined salts are good for special occasions but not as an everyday or cooking salt.
Pacific Sea Salt has the same balance of trace elements and pH as your blood and tears and the same as the fluid that you live in for the first 9 months of your life.
2. what is bio- GRO
A: Bio- Gro New Zealand is the most recognized New Zealand Organic certifier. Bio- Gro certifies the process of harvesting the salt from the sea water. First step in testing for organic certification of sea salt is having clean water. If the water is not clean the process cannot continue. Once in the drying ponds, the water and brine are tested once a quarter, the salt is tested at harvesting and packing.
B: Salt is not truly an organic product as it is a naturally formed compound mineral, by nature. Bio- Gro treats the salt like any other organic product in testing for impurities and harmful chemicals during the drying process. Read more on Bio- Gro Sea Salt.
3. is the salt iodized?
The salt contains natural occurring iodine. Only processed salt loses the naturally occurring iodine. So, artificial iodine is added to some salts but many times it is a non-digestible iodine that the body cannot absorb.
4. is there anything added to the salt
No, there are no extra minerals added to the sea salt. There’re also no anti-caking or free flowing agents added to our sea salt.
5. is the pacific sea salt kosher?
Yes, all of our Pacific Sea Salt is certified Kosher!
6. are there any other special benefits over other salts?
Take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day before meals to treat normal conditions and 1 teaspoon once a day on an empty stomach for maintenance. Best if taken 10-15 minutes before every meal or on an empty stomach.
Ready to boost your health with Manuka Honey?
Manuka Honey Helps Soothes Burns:
Scientific studies show Manuka Honey as a viable option for wound dressing. The physical properties of honey create a favorable environment for skin repair, while its antibacterial nature also supports healing. Source 1 | Source 2
Manuka Honey Supports Gut Health:
Evidence shows Manuka Honey may support gut health as a prebiotic (due to the presence of oligosaccharides). More information.
Its anti-inflammatory properties may also positively impact inflammatory bowel disease. More information.
Studies demonstrate Manuka as an alternative treatment in fighting bacteria such as Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori). and Clostridium difficile (C. diff). More information.
Manuka Honey is Great For Skin:
Manuka honey works well as a face mask and wash. It leaves skin feeling soft and smooth, plus its antibacterial properties may help reduce acne. Since honey is hygroscopic, it draws moisture to the skin, helping it stay hydrated.
Manuka Honey Aids Sore Throat:
Manuka provides relief by coating the throat as well as fighting the bacteria that is causing pain. More information.